Trade Adjustment : NDX

Stock / Symbol:Nasdaq 100 / NDX

Option Strategy: [private_monthly]iron condor[/private_monthly]
Trend entry date / price: Apr 17 / $2780
Price at this post: $2946

Reasoning: Our upside stop of 2919 was eclipsed this am on the strong jobs report. Closing the position here. If we can get back in over the next few days, we will. .

Trade Details:
BTC -1 NDX May13 2650 put
STC 1 NDX May13 2625 put
BTC -1 NDX May13 2980 call
STC 1 NDX May13 3005 call
for a max net debit of $6.75 per contract. (day order, limit order). The current mid is $6.45. Try for the mid +0.10.

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